Secrets for Stress-Free Travel

Miren Alós explains how to avoid jetlag and embrace the journey.

By: Amber Kallor
Mindfulness on the Move spotlights the wellness routines and rituals that keep travel connoisseurs grounded no matter where they are in the world.

Miren Alós, a self-described visual storyteller who hails from Valencia, Spain, transports her followers to exotic locales and JW Marriott properties around the globe via her serene, sun-drenched photos. Along the way, she’s also learned a lot about herself. “Traveling has opened my mind to new people, places, and cultures,” Alós said. “It’s also taught me to be more conscious about time and nature—and to appreciate both.” We caught up with the content creator on her never-ending world tour to talk about relaxation on the road and the most luxurious cure for jetlag.
Do you have any tips to make traveling less stressful?

“It depends on the destination but I like to adapt every trip to me and organize only the most essential elements, such as flights and hotels, in advance. I let the details flow once I arrive at my destination. I also make sure I have enough time to truly enjoy a place and spend a few moments doing things that fill my soul wherever I am, like practicing yoga every morning. This way, the trip is always amazing!”
What are the essential items that you never travel without?

 “My camera, my yoga mat, a good book, and my favorite tea bags.”
Do you have any in-flight rituals that help you look and feel refreshed upon landing?

“I drink lots of water, try to eat as clean as possible (fruits, raw vegetables, and nuts), and sleep as much as possible. I don’t use my phone but I do carry my beauty products so that I can keep my skin hydrated during the journey.”
What are your best tips for beating jetlag?

“I try to book a flight that arrives to my destination in the afternoon or at night so that I can go directly to sleep. That’s the best way for me to feel good the next day. If possible, I also book a massage. It’s the best cure for jetlag!”
How do you make a hotel room feel more like home?

“By organizing all my stuff once I’ve arrived. My clothes go in the closet, my beauty products go in the bathroom, my work tools (camera, computer, and chargers) go on the desk, and my book goes on the bedside table. Doing this makes the room feel comfortable and more like home.”
What daily routines do you stick with when you travel?

“I try to wake up early in the morning so that I have enough time for my yoga practice and some exercise. I like and to have breakfast slowly so that I start my day feeling good and with the best energy. I also eat as healthy as possible, avoid drinking alcohol, and sleep deep and long.”
What is your favorite way to get your body moving when you’re away from home?

 “Yoga and running—my favorite combo.”

What do you eat and drink to keep your energy up on the road?

“I just drink water and tea and eat healthy snacks.”
How do you unwind after a busy day of traveling and sightseeing?

“I prepare myself a bath or take a shower while listening to relaxing piano music. I call my family and read instead of spending time with my phone. Sometimes, I practice yin yoga to calm my mind and body.”
Window or aisle seat? Aisle seat
Get up early or stay out late? Get up early
Room service or hotel restaurant? Hotel restaurant
Check your luggage or carry on? Check my luggage
City life or country escape? Country escape